ECOWEB is implementing a 3-year project entitled Enhancing the resilience of indigenous communities (IPs) to climate change impacts and strengthening their socio-economic position in Caraga, Mindanao (IP-Resilience Project). The project aims to contribute to the legal and socioeconomic resilience and self-determination of indigenous peoples (IPs) in Caraga.
The IP-RESILIENCE Project is to be implemented in two (2) ancestral domains (AD) covered by CADT 090 of the Manobo indigenous peoples (IP) located in two (2) barangays in the municipality of Loreto and CADT 117 of the Manobo IPs located in nine (9) barangays in the municipality of La Paz, all in the province of Agusan del Sur.
Target Groups: 6,310 persons of which 6,200 are indigenous peoples (IP) belonging to the Manobo tribe and 110 non-IP leaders from communities with the ancestral domain, and 85 persons working in various institutions that have important roles in achieving the project goals and objectives.
Project Goal: Indigenous Political Structure (IPS) of IP communities able to manage their ancestral domains effectively, engaged with government agencies and NGOs, respond to disaster risks, and contribute to climate change adaptation based on their legally mandated Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plans (ADSDPP).
Sub-Goals/Outcomes: By the end of the project, it is expected to achieve the following:
- Indigenous Political Structures (IPS) capacitated to plan and implement ADSDPP, govern AD, and engaged with government agencies and units.
- ADSDPPs formulated with ancestral lands surveyed and lands with vested rights issued prior to IPRA demarcated and covered by agreements between the IPS and agencies having jurisdictions over the issuance of vested land rights including the DENR, DAR, DA, FMB, MGB and BMB.
- Families within ancestral lands practiced climate-smart livelihoods, their incomes increased, and basic facilities improved.
- Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) measures in the ADSDPP are integrated in the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (BDRRM) Plans and municipal Local Climate Change Adaptation Plan (LCCAP).
Activities: The activities of the project include the conduct of trainings to capacitate members of the Indigenous Political Structure (IPS) of the ancestral domains, support in the development of social enterprise, enhancement of farming system through climate smart agriculture, assistance for the survey of ancestral lands within the ancestral domain, and building community capacity on disaster risk reduction (DRR).
In order to attain the above goals and outcomes, the following positions are opened for hiring to complete the project implementation team:
Opened Position No. 1:
Title : Project Manager of IP-Resilience Project
Type of Contract : Termed Employment Contract
Position Duration : Twenty-four (24) Months
Employment Contract : One year with 3-months probationary period (renewable based on performance)
Closing date for application : 30 December 2022
Screening process : Interview, written exam and background checking
Duty Station : Caraga Region field office
Citizenship Requirement : Must be a natural born Filipino citizen
Type of work : 50% fieldwork; 50% Office/admin and linkaging work
Salary rate : Negotiable. Capacity and salary rate of previous job experience for Consideration.
Start date : Immediate
- Leads the project team in planning, implementation, problem solving and reporting to ensure the accomplishment of project deliverables;
- Ensure that provisions of the contract between ECOWEB and HELP-Germany are followed and considered in the implementation of project activities, allocation of funds, and submission of reports.
- Ensure that the strategies and activities outlined in the approved project documents are implemented properly and timely, well documented, and accurately reported.
- Manages project officers and field teams, and supervises performance of all project support staff and consultants.
- Communicate, report and provide update to the Executive Director regularly and as the need arises on matters pertaining to project implementation.
- Coordinates with other project managers, program coordinators and other head of departments within ECOWEB.
- Negotiate contracts and agreements for the implementation of some components or activities of the project, and present proposed terms of the contracts and agreements to the Executive Director for appropriate action.
- Review and sign periodic, activity, and financial reports to higher officers of the organization.
- Represents the project at all times and the institution in dealing with government regulators and agencies, local governments, other stakeholders and partners, or with other entities as maybe delegated by higher authorities.
The major deliverables and tasks of the position would be:
- Plan Documents with detailed budgets using approved formats.
- Semestral Project work-plans
- Activity plans for activities initiated
- Draft semestral and annual reports for donor following format as stipulated in the Project contract with donor.
- Project Reports using approved formats.
- Accomplishment reports (Activity, quarterly and semestral)
- Fund utilization and liquidation reports using approved format
- Staff performance and evaluation reports following approved templates
- Communication with local partners including government agencies and units
Essential minimum qualifications and professional experience required
Education: Graduate and preferably with masteral units in any of the following degrees: Bachelor of Science in Community Development, Bachelor of Science in Social Work, Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Minimum Experience Level:
- Significant experience (minimum five years) working in community-based sustainable development projects preferably implemented in IP communities;
- Minimum 3-year experience in actual project management;
- Experience in working with indigenous peoples’ organizations and communities, and familiar with the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA)
- Understanding of key management and PME frameworks/tools;
- Experience working through partnerships, networking, advocacy and demonstrating leadership;
- Experience on preparing plans, reports and documenting activities practices.
Key Competencies
- Strong skills in drafting documents and reports of high quality and clarity using MS Word
- Strong time management skills, including the ability to work quickly and to meet deadlines;
- Team leader and ability to work as a team;
- Strong interpersonal skills, including across cultural contexts;
- Excellent skills in Microsoft Word and Excel.
Opened Position No. 2:
Title : Ancestral Domain Planning and Land Rights Officer (ADP&LRO)
Type of Contract : Termed Employment Contract
Position Duration : Twenty four (24) Months
Employment Contract : One year with 3 months probationary period (renewable based on performance)
Closing date for application : 30 December 2022
Screening process : Interview, written exam and background checking
Duty Station : Caraga Region field office
Citizenship Requirement : Must be a natural born Filipino Citizen
Type of work : 70% fieldwork; 30% Office/admin and linkaging work
Salary rate : Negotiable. Capacity and salary rate of previous job experience for Consideration.
Start date : Immediate
- Lead in the implementation of activities under the ancestral domain development component of the Project.
- Oversees and facilitate the formulation of Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan (ADSDPP) for two titled but unregistered ancestral domains.
- Facilitate the conduct of survey of ancestral lands within the ancestral land and support the Indigenous Political Structures (IPS) in resolving land boundary conflicts.
- Guide and assist the IPS of the two ancestral domains in processing the issuance of Certificate of Non-Overlaps (CNO) by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR).
- Lead in the preparation, designing, testing and actual conduct of training modules to capacitate IPS members and volunteers who will be involved in the formulation of ADSDPP and the registration of CADT with the Registry of Deeds (RoD).
- Support and guide the IPS in engaging with agencies that have programs and projects within the AD including but not limited to Protected Area Management Board (PAMB), DENR (CENRO, PENRO) and DAR.
- Two (2) Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan (ADSDPP) formulated following the process and standards under NCIP AO No. 02 series of 2018.
- 200 Ancestral Lands (AL) each owned by an average of 15 families with average of 75 hectares per AL within CADT-090 and CADT-117 have parcellary surveys prepared with participation of youth members of the clan, approved by their IPS, reflected in the ADSDPP and ready for issuance of Certificate of Ancestral Domain Land Allocation (CADLA).
- 70% of existing boundary disputes between and among the 200 ancestral land owners are resolved,
- Areas within CADT with vested rights instruments issued by DENR and DAR are covered by Memorandum of Agreement between the IPS and, DENR and DAR.
- All required documents including survey results, resolutions and MoA’s are prepared and submitted to DENR and DAR for issuance of CNO and for registration with the LRA are submitted.
- A Harmonized Management Plan (HMP) for areas where the PAMP and ADSDPP overlapped is prepared and agreed by the PAMB and IPSE with concurrence by Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) of the DENR (DENR-BMB) and NCIP.
Essential minimum qualifications and professional experience required
Education: Graduate in any of the following degrees: Bachelor of Science in Community Development, Bachelor of Science in Social Work, or Bachelor of Arts in Geodetic, Civil or Agricultural Engineering.
Minimum Experience Level:
- Significant experience (minimum three years) working on indigenous peoples (IP) issues or land rights issues in either IP or non-IPs;
- Experience in the formulation of ADSDPP or similar area/spatial development planning
- Experience in land surveying and in dealing land and other resource-based conflicts
- Experience in dealing with government agencies especially DENR, DAR and Register of Deeds;
- Experience working through partnerships, networking, advocacy and demonstrating leadership;
- Experience on preparing plans, reports and documenting activities practices.
Key Competencies
- Strong skills in drafting documents and reports of high quality and clarity;
- Strong time management skills, including the ability to work quickly and to meet deadlines;
- Familiar with Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) and related land laws in the Philippines;
- Strong interpersonal skills, including across cultural contexts;
- Excellent skills in Microsoft Word and Excel.
Opened Position No. 3:
Title : Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Officer (DRR-CCA Officer)
Type of Contract : Termed Employment Contract
Position Duration : Twenty four (24) Months
Employment Contract : One year with 3-months probationary period (renewable based on performance)
Closing date for application : 30 December 2022
Screening process : Interview, written exam, and background checking
Duty Station : Caraga Region field office
Type of work : 60% fieldwork; 40% linkaging and admin/office work
Salary rate : Negotiable. Capacity and salary rate of previous job experience for Consideration.
Start date : Immediate
- Lead in the implementation of activities under the disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) component of the Project.
- Facilitates the registration of qualified farmers to the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) and develop other risk transfer schemes.
- Participate in the ADSDPP formulation process and ensure that matters related to DRR and CCA are considered and appropriate actions are incorporated in the plan.
- Secure copies and review the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans (BDRRMP) of the 11 barangays and the Local Climate Change Adaptation Plans (LCCAP) of the 2 municipalities and determine components where DRR and CCA concerns included in the ADSDPP can be incorporated.
- Facilitate consultation with barangay and municipal LGUs to design and conduct ADSDPP interfacing sessions to BDRRMP at the barangay and to LCCAP at municipal level.
Major deliverables:
- All qualified IP farmer beneficiaries registered with the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA) and, crops and the farmer ensured with the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC).
- DRR and CCA needs and actions contained in the ADSDPPs interfaced in the 9 BDRRMs and 2 LCCAPs contained policies and provisions based on the ADSDPPs.
- Amended BDRRMs and LCCAPs with ADSDPP actions and plans are submitted for deliberation and approval to barangay and municipal legislative bodies.
Essential minimum qualifications and professional experience required
Education : Graduate in any of the following degrees: Bachelor of Science in Community Development, Bachelor of Science in Social Work, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science; other college degrees with substantial experience maybe considered; masteral units or master’s degree is desirable.
Minimum Experience Level:
- Significant experience (minimum three years) working in sustainable development or humanitarian projects;
- Minimum 2-years experience in being part of a team implementing DRR and CCA or related projects.
- Experience in dealing with Local Government units at barangay and municipal levels.
- Experience on preparing plans, reports and documenting activities practices.
Key Competencies
- Strong skills in drafting documents and reports of high quality and clarity;
- Familiarity with DRR and CCA policies as well as local governance procedures in the Philippines especially in preparedness and planning;
- Strong time management skills, including the ability to work quickly and to meet deadlines;
- Strong interpersonal skills, including across cultural contexts;
- Excellent skills in Microsoft Word and Excel.
Opened Position No. 4:
Title : Project Finance and Administrative Assistant (PFAA)
Type of Contract : Termed Employment Contract
Position Duration : Twenty-four (24) Months
Employment Contract : One year with 3-months probationary period (renewable based on performance)
Closing date for application : 30 December 2022
Screening process : Interview, written exam, and background checking
Duty Station : Caraga Region field office
Type of work : 30% fieldwork; 70% Office/admin
Start date : Immediate
- The Project Finance and Administration Assistant (PFAA) shall be responsible of ensuring that financial transactions and administrative matters are done in accordance with ECOWEB policies and procedures and documented in accordance with the requirements of ECOWEB, HELP-Germany and BMZ.
- Reports to the Project Manager and coordinate with the Head of the Finance Unit and Head of Admin and HR Unit.
- Support the Project Team in preparing the team budget and individual staff in preparing activity budgets.
- Assist team and staff in processing the release of cash advances, funds for activities and office operations, reimbursement and refunds, and other payments of project transactions.
- Ensure that liquidations of cash advances and other transactions are properly documented and submitted on-time and orderly.
- Prepares payrolls, ensure that mandatory social benefits for staff are updated and institutional contributions paid on time, prepares periodic financial reports (monthly, quarterly, and semestral), supports the institutional Finance Unit in preparing reports, and prepare all financial documents and records for project audits.
- The FAA shall ensure that all permits and requirements for the legality of the Project Office are secured and timely renewed.
- The FAA, whenever necessary, shall coordinate and collaborate with other project officers in the implementation of project activities. He/She shall also coordinate and engaged with other units of the organization involved in the implementation of the project.
- Facilitate and support in the conduct of annual project audit.
Major deliverables:
- Periodic budgets (monthly and semestral) and as maybe required and necessary
- Semestral and annual financial reports for both ECOWEB and donors
- Timely processing of budget requests of staff to support efficient and effective project implementation
- Timely liquidation of cash advances of staff with proper supporting documents
- Efficient procurement of supplies, materials, equipment and services as needed by the project
- Standard financial reports as required by the government and for audit purposes
- Systematic recording, filing and compilation of financial records and documents
Essential minimum qualifications and professional experience required
Education: University degree in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy or equivalent degrees.
Minimum Experience Level:
- Minimum of 2-Year Experience in bookkeeping and accounting assistance work
- Minimum of 2-year experience in office administration work.
- At least 1-year experience working with non-profit organization either an NGO, PO or Cooperative
Key Competencies
- Strong skills in drafting financial reports and documents of high quality and clarity;
- Strong time management skills, including the ability to work quickly and to meet deadlines;
- Strict in implementing internal financial rules and procedures;
- Strong interpersonal skills, including across cultural contexts;
- Excellent skills in Microsoft Word and Excel.
To apply
Interested applicants should submit their letter of motivation and CV to [ecoweb@ecowebph.org] cc. [ecoweb2006@gmail.com] indicating in the subject of the email: Motivation to Apply for Staff position GreenFiber Project.
The ECOWEB workforce consists of diverse capacities, cultures, beliefs, faiths and political persuasions. ECOWEB seeks to sustain and strengthen this diversity to ensure equal opportunities as well as an inclusive working environment for its entire workforce. Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction on grounds of ethnicity, sex, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity. Hiring decision will mainly be based on capacity and experience of the applicants.