In commemorating the 75th year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits, Inc. (ECOWEB) reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the principles of “Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All” through its mission of building partnerships and empowering communities.
Since its establishment in 2006, ECOWEB has been a tireless advocate for human rights, transcending societal divisions and championing the cause of the marginalized, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable in our society. ECOWEB forges partnerships with local, national, and international organizations, and collaborate with various government agencies to expand the democratic space where the rights and dignity of crisis-affected and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), indigenous peoples, farmers, fisherfolks, women, youth, children, LGBTQ, people with disability, and other vulnerable sectors in society are protected, and their basic freedoms are enjoyed without fear of discrimination and exclusion.
In the pursuit of a world founded on the principles of freedom, equality, and justice for all, it is paramount to ardently champion the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Respecting their distinct cultures, languages, and traditional knowledge is not merely an act of inclusion but an embodiment of the broader commitment to a truly egalitarian society. Upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples is integral to dismantling historical injustices, fostering genuine equality, and ensuring the freedom of these communities to thrive with autonomy and dignity. The quest for a just and equitable world demands a steadfast dedication to recognizing and preserving the unique contributions of Indigenous Peoples, thus weaving a tapestry of diversity, respect, and justice that resonates with the universal ideals of human rights for all.
ECOWEB believes in the equality of all human beings and endeavor to enhance social structures to open opportunities for all. It promotes and facilitates access to quality and peace-enabling education for children and youth in conflict-affected and vulnerable communities to disaster risks and violent extremism, exemplifying the organization’s dedication to upholding the basic rights of children and youth and empowering the next generation in building a peaceful and resilient communities.
ECOWEB supports the strengthening and formation of community-based sectoral and multi-sectoral informal groups, people’s organizations, community-based social enterprises and locally-led development, humanitarian, peacebuilding and climate actions. We are committed to enabling and improving community and locally led collective actions to respond to crisis and address developmental issues and addressing root causes of crisis and vulnerabilities of communities in the belief that when people and communities are trusted and rightly supported they could be more resilient, and more empowered to uphold the principles of justice and equality collectively.
Confronted by the impact of climate change and violent conflict, ECOWEB responded to crisis and emergencies that could potentially undermine the enjoyment of their rights and freedoms. To this end, ECOWEB promote and practices survivor and community-led responses to crises to safeguard their human rights and uphold the dignity of the people affected, and ensure that they determine the pace of their recovery and resilience. This commitment aligns seamlessly with our core principle of leaving no one behind, ensuring that the rights and dignity of all individuals are upheld, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Furthermore, ECOWEB recognizes the pivotal role of women and other genders in fostering sustainable peace and development. Through tailored programs, the organization empowers women and other genders, to exercise leadership, participate actively in their communities, and be represented in institutional mechanisms that enable them to enjoy economic opportunities and freedom.
As ECOWEB commemorates its 17th year of existence coinciding the 75th anniversary of the UDHR it shall remain determined in working for a peaceful and progressive society living in a safe environment guided by the principles of freedom, equality and justice for all.