GreenFiber Project Briefer
Terms of Reference TOR
Architectural and Designing of Integrated Abaca Processing Center
for Brgy. Kolambugan and Brgy. Sinai, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur
Project Name: Strengthening Resilience among Abaca Farming Families in Sibagat, Agusan del Sur through Sustainable Securing of Livelihoods and Transitioning to Green Technology (GreenFiber Project)
The Philippines currently supplies 85% of the global demand for abaca fiber, which is expected to increase in the future due to the shift towards sustainability and the use of natural materials in producing “green” products. Despite this potential, abaca fiber farmers in the Philippines face challenges such as poverty, small farm sizes, poor technology, low productivity, high transportation costs, and a lack of efficient processing equipment.
The Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits, Inc (ECOWEB) a non-stock non-profit corporation, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2006 based in Iligan City, Mindanao, Philippines is proposing the GreenFiber Project. The project will be implemented in Sibagat, Agusan del Sur.
The GreenFiber Project aims to significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities in the country, particularly in the abaca farming and fiber production sector. By promoting the bio-diversification of farms with abaca as a main cash crop alongside high-value trees, root crops, tubers, and vegetables, the project will not only support sustainable agriculture practices but also enhance the economic viability of these farms.
Moreover, the project is focused on capacity development and strengthening of civil society by adopting a participatory approach through the establishment and further empowerment of production guilds, a federation of green fiber producers, and strategic partnerships with the government and other key players along the abaca value chain. This will foster a collaborative effort towards a sustainable and economically viable abaca industry for all stakeholders.
The architectural firm will support ECOWEB in developing the design and technical documentation (architectural structural and service drawings, design technical calculations, technical specifications, Bill of Materials including, cost estimates and construction time schedules) for the Integrated Abaca Processing Center in Brgy. Kolambugan and Brgy. Sinai, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur. The architectural firm will ensure:
- Effective coordination of activities of work, to deliver activities according to criteria specified, on time, and within budget to the best interests of ECOWEB. ECOWEB shall provide contact details of the Project Manager to the architects. In case of ambiguity, questions, or issues, the architects shall inform the Project Manager without delay.
- Providing a feasible timeline for preparing and submitting relevant documents and allowing space for the ECOWEB Technical Project Manager to monitor designs at regular intervals to avoid any variations at the end of the process. In this context, the Architectural company should allow and work in cooperation with the ECOWEB Technical Project Manager to visit the Architectural company weekly to evaluate the work performed and give his/her input. The architectural company also needs to submit relevant design calculations when required.
- To develop the design of the Integrated Abaca Processing Center in Brgy. Kolambugan and Brgy. Sinai, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur into a coherent proposal allowing construction contractors to thoroughly understand and interpret to carry out effectively the scope of works through the developed design and technical documentation.
- Ensure all works are conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement the architects signed with ECOWEB, National laws, and Building codes.
The architectural firm is expected to develop the proposed project design that will give ECOWEB the best economic use of the land and ensure that the design addresses the comprehensive functions of the integrated abaca processing center in Sibagat, Agusan del Sur. The scope of the services will include the development of designs and technical documentation for the following elements and structures within the integrated abaca processing center in Brgy. Kolambugan and Brgy. Sinai, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur.
1. Tuxy/leafsheet storage
2. Storage/Marshalling Warehouse
3. Agri-waste storage
4. Powerhouse
5. Admin Office
6. Greenhouse Drying Area
7. Abaca Nursery
8. Car parking areas
9. Landscaping
The architectural firm, in close consultation with ECOWEB, shall consider the following factors in developing the design and technical documentation:
1. Safety and Security;
2. Location and environmental context;
3. Buildings orientation to the slope of the site, sun, and prevailing wind;
4. Soil test to determine foundation design;
5. Develop the project design to make the best social and space use of the project;
6. Contour Survey to determine the ground profile
The following outputs are expected:
- Provide detailed design and construction plans
- Provide cost estimates
- Project implementation timeline
- Advising clients for design considerations
- Create building designs and highly detailed drawing using Computer Aided Design (CAD) application
- Negotiate with contractors and other professionals
- Making site visits to check and monitor the progress of the project.
- Writing and presenting the progress reports
- Specifying the requirements for the projects
- Adapting plans according to circumstances and resolving any problem that may arise during construction
- Assist the Civil Engineering for delivering the technical files and documentation
- Sign and seal of design and plans
- At least 5-year experience in relevant disciplines in architecture, designing and engineering of building structures.
- Committed to involving the local community in the design process and should have experience working with communities to develop facilities that meet their needs.
- Have experience working with non-government organizations (NGOs) and understand their specific requirements, such as their focus on sustainability and community involvement.
- Have excellent communication skills and should be able to effectively communicate with the client and other stakeholders to understand their requirements and design a facility that meets their needs.
Design Services of an Architect
- The Architect translates the (Owner’s) needs and requirements to space and forms in the best manner of professional service.
- The Architect’s work starts at the inception of the project when the (Owner) outlines the requirements to the Architect. The work covers the various aspects of the project, from analysis and study of the needs and requirements, to the preparation of the necessary instruments of services, and finally to the supervision during project implementation. It ends only when the general contractor or builder turns over the completed project to the (Owner)
A. Project Definition Phase
a.1 Consult with the (Owner) to ascertain the conceptual framework and related requirements of the project and confirm such requirements with (Owner).
a.2 Gathers relevant information and data leading to the definition of the requirements of the project, including the scope of the Architect’s services.
a.3 Reviews and refines the (Owner) space requirements and translates them into an architectural program.
a.4 Prepares an initial statement of probable construction cost.
a.5 The selected architect/firm and ECOWEB shall discuss and define the timeline per phase.
B. Schematic Design Phase
This phase consists of the preparation of schematic design studies derived from the Project Definition Phase, leading to conceptual plans. The Architect:
b.1 Evaluate the (Owner) program, schedule, budget, project site and proposes methods of project deliveries.
b.2 Prepares the initial line drawings representing design studies leading to a recommended solution, including a general description of the project for approval by the (Owner).
b.3 Submits to the Owner a Statement of the Probable Project Construction Cost (SPPCC) based on current cost parameters.
C. Design Development Phase
Based on approved schematics and conceptual plans, the Architect prepares:
c.1 The Design Development documents consist of plans, elevations, sections, and other drawings.
c.2 Outline specifications to fix and illustrate the size and character of the entire project as to type of materials, type of structural, electrical, mechanical, sanitary, electronic and communication systems.
c.3 Diagrammatic layout of construction systems, and
c.4 an update SPPCC for submission to the (Owner).
D. Contract Document Phase
Based on the approved Design Development Documents, the Architect:
d.1 Prepares the complete Contract Documents consisting of detailed design and construction drawings, setting forth in detail the work required for the architectural, structural, electrical, plumbing/sanitary, mechanical, electronic, and communication works prepared by the Architect and the respective professionals involved.
d.2 Prepares Technical Specifications describing type and quality of materials, finishes, manner of construction, and the general conditions under which the project is to be constructed.
d.3 Submits to the (Owner) seven (7) sets of all construction drawings and technical specifications for purposes of obtaining a building permit.
d.4 Update the SPPCC based on changes in scope, requirements or market conditions.
d.5 Assist the (Owner) in filling in the required documents to secure approval of government authorities having jurisdiction over the design of the Project.
E. Bidding or Negotiation Phase
e.1 In this phase, Architect:
e.1.1 Prepares the Bid Documents such as forms for contract letting, documents for construction, forms for invitation and instruction to bidders, forms for bidder’s proposal, general/specific conditions of contract, etc.
e.1.2 Assists the (Owner) from the early stage of establishing a list of prospective Contractor to awarding of the construction contract.
e.2 For competitive bids/procurements, the Architect:
e.2.1 Furnishes complete sets of the Bid Documents for purposes of bidding in as many sets as may be required to conduct a successful bidding. The said documents are loaned to bidders at an amount sufficient to cover direct and indirect costs attendant to the preparation, packaging, reproduction and delivery of the said documents.
The Bid Documents are the intellectual property of the Architect (Sec. 33 of R.A. No. 9266), and must be returned by all entities acquiring bid documents. A bond may be required to assure the return of the Bid Documents.
The Architect retains the sole ownership and copyright to the said documents (Sec. 33 of R.A. No. 9266). As such, bidders must not reproduce nor use the documents for unauthorized purposes. The (Owner) also must not use the documents for any other purpose other than the project for which the (Owner) and Architect signed an agreement.
e.2.2 Helps in organizing and conducting pre-bid conferences,
e.2.3 Responds to questions from bidders,
e.2.4 Assists (Owner) in obtaining proposals from Contractors, analyses bid results and prepares an abstract of bids, a notice of award, notice to proceed and other construction contracts.
e.3 For negotiated contract, the Architect performs similar functions as in item e.2 but negotiates with one Contractor instead of many bidders,
F. Construction Phase
In this phase, the Architect performs the following:
f.1 Makes decision on all claims of the (Owner) and Contractors on all matters relating to the execution of progress of work of the interpretation of the Contract Documents.
f.2 Prepares change order, gathers and turns over to the (Owner) written guarantees required of the Contractor
f.3 Makes periodic visits to the project site to familiarize himself with the general progress and quality of work and to a certain that the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Architect shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous 8-hour on-site supervision to check on the quality of the work involved and shall not be held responsible for the Contractor’s failure to carry out the Construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. During such projects site visits and on the basis of his observations, he shall report to the (Owner) defects and deficiencies noted in the work of Contractors, and shall condemn work found failing to conform to the Contract Documents.
f.4 Determines the amount owing and due to the Contractor and issues corresponding Certificate for Payment for such amounts based on his observation and the Contract’s Applications for Payment. These Certificates will constitute a certification to the (Owner) that the work has progressed to the state indicated and that to his best knowledge, the duality of work performed by the Contractor is in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Architect shall conduct the necessary inspection to determine the date of substantial and final completion and issue the final Certificate of Payment to the Contractor.
Architect/Firm Scope of Service Timetable: