Call for Bid/Tender
Call for Bid/Tender Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Construction of the one-story building with two
Towards a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow: Re-echoing Diversified and Integrated Farming System (DIFS) and Concoction Making in Loreto, Agusan del Sur
Loreto community members demonstrating sustainable farming practices. “This really helps with our daily lives and
Call for Bid/Tender
Terms of Reference (TOR) for Surveying Services Project Title: Self-delineation of Ancestral Domain Sectoral Boundaries
Title: Community Development Facilitator (CDF)
Employment Contract :One year with 3-months probationary period
Title: “Rising Against All Odds: The Empowering Triumphs of Women-led Initiatives”
In celebration of International Women’s Day, we enter into a remarkable journey that highlights the
Joining Hands for Mindanao: Rebuilding Lives and Livelihoods After the LPA Inundation
The Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits, Inc. (ECOWEB) and partners call for more community led