Moving Forward Localisation of Humanitarian Action in The Philippines | Key Findings and Recommendations

Since the launch of the Grand Bargain in 2016, progress on implementing the localisation promise at the country level has been very slow. The signatories target to talk about the future of Grand Bargain and strengthen local actions which are generally designed for local actor’s empowerment. As preceded in the World Humanitarian Summit, organizations around the world hope to lead more country-level advocacy of the Grand Bargain commitments.

A series of multi-stakeholder dialogue was conducted in the Philippines to map the state of localisation as a step towards levelling off and raising awareness in understanding its commitments and acknowledging country-level progress and excellent practices. This way, it can pin out various plan of actions and offer tangible recommendations for localisation to be pushed through as a key for greater implementation of localized efforts.

As a result, this localisation report was developed as part of the Philippines Humanitarian Country Team’s (HCT) workplan to heighten and boost its localisation agenda alongside to foster the implementation of the Grand Bargain localisation commitments. Hence, this summarizes the significant findings of the dialogues held in the Philippines between February and July 2021 to further tangible implementation of the localisation commitments in the country.

In the Philippines, the Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits (ECOWEB) took the lead in the process, working with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Oxfam Philippines, and A4EP, as well as the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. The months-long event was organized in partnership with the Center for Disaster Preparedness, the Philippines Preparedness Partnership, and the Asian Preparedness Partnership, among other CSO networks in the country.


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Related links of localisation and Grand Bargain: