43 Members of the Muslim-Christian Community Association (MCCA) benefited from the relief distribution assistance from ECOWEB, enlightening lives of locals affected by COVID-19 outbreak.
The Muslim-Christian Community Association (MCCA) with over 60 members, based at barangay Kiwalan, Iligan City, was established to aim for the betterment of the lives of both Maranao and Christians in the community. They aspire sharing similar values and norms which was believed to be the key towards everlasting peace. The group realized how progressive their community would be if they stand as a united entity.
The Survivor and Community-Led Response (sclr) ensured that the humanitarian response is achieved with dignity and integrity. As the discipline caters needs of the grassroots, it also inspires growing local groups to create own unique practices towards achieving common good.
Since 2008, the association has been inspiring ECOWEB to continue its humanitarian service to communities. Like an open ear, ECOWEB listens to the problems and situations of their association and its constituents’.
“We really have so much to thank to ECOWEB for opening its door to us. Without their help, many would have ended violent as a way of expressing their sentiments” says Ms. Sabra S. Sarip, the leader of the association.
The dedication of MCCA has brought them to see the needs of those assessed as the poorest of the poor. Through vulnerability assessment set through the associations criteria, Ms. Sabra have coordinated with ECOWEB to help members strive.
As part of the Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits, Inc. (ECOWEB) support to local initiatives in addressing problems on the ground, the assistance amounted 10,000 pesos was handed over to the association as part of their aspiration to ease the downhearted voices of members. The money come from the organization’s award being the Best Civil Society Organization, from Gawad Kalasag in the year 2019.
The cash assistance was derived through giving the association the benefit of deciding what to give as they see the needs of these target beneficiaries. As an organization with a common goal, members themselves decided what to include in the relief package and personally bought the items and packed. Seeing the potential of them carries the manifestation of how local groups create impactful result to development.
May 15, 2020, 16 males and 27 females, with 5 senior citizens, which comprises the total of 43 MCCA members from both zone 5 and 16 of the barangay received relief package which contains 3 kilos of rice, canned goods, noodles, coffee, and sugar. Aforementioned items were identified through sourcing out information from the association members. With the limited cash on hand, the team did a very intelligent decision to cater the number of beneficiaries where equity is observed.
“The amount we received is already enough. We just had to think that we can distribute enough for all, and we made it” she added.
The identified beneficiaries are the affected farmers, sari-sari store owners, and motorcycle drivers who barely provide food for the family. They claimed how thankful they were for the goods and cash assistance from the government, but they can never deceive themselves how hard it is to think where to source out food for incoming months.
It also seemed as challenges for them before deriving into relief distribution as the Muslims have to observe Ramadhan and as the city implements the Enhanced Communty Quarantine (ECQ). Considering the distance between the barangay and grocery stores in the city, the volunteers have to save their energy and plan for any actions in line with the city’s coding assignment.
“Between this achievements were the challenges we encountered. While having Ramadhan, we have to conserve out efforts going to groceries and packing goods. Transportation also cost us most because of the distance” she said.

In an interview with Baida Datu Imam, a member of the association and a relief beneficiary, she was surprised that it’s not only the government which has the capacity to help the helpless. ECOWEB, as an NGO also gave them the chance to have food on the table for the next days. She genuinely thanked the people behind the distribution and left a message to the government and other agencies:
The MCCA, headed by Ms. Sabra wished that ECOWEB will be more blessed by Allah that they will continue inspiring other local organizations and helping those who are in need. Sclr serves spectrum of practical and best approaches which manifest ECOWEB’s advocacy to localization and its best results.
Meanwhile, the association leaders and volunteers were handed over a personal protective equipment set comprise of six face shields, distilled ethyl alcohol and face masks thru the COVID-19 response project of ECOWEB in partnership with the Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid (CORDAID). Specifically, the component on preventing and mitigating the spread of the coronavirus thru provision of protective gears is essential for the packaging and delivery of the association.
Struggling in the verge of this pandemic means keeping local capacities define their mission. It may not be a grand and visible action to the masses but it surely creates its own desire to live its purpose.