PACT-Peace Action and Conflict Transformation

ECOWEB advocates for Peace at the different levels of society by employing creative strategies such as Cinema for Peace and Historical Journey, among others. At the grassroots level, Peace Actions focus on transforming resource-based and other forms conflicts by enabling people in conflict and local institutions to initiate actions towards conflict transformation and resolution. The program also advocates for mainstreaming peace-building and conflict transformation concepts in local government development planning and programming and enables local actors to initiate policy advocacy for institutionalizing peace promoting programs. Peace-enabling actions also aims to address issue and prevent violent extremism. ECOWEBadvocates for Peace at the different levels of society by employing creative strategies such as Cinema for Peace and Historical Journey, among others. At the grassroots level, Peace Actions focus on transforming resource-based conflicts and raising people’s awareness about peace concepts. The program also advocates for mainstreaming peace-building and conflict transformation concepts in local government development planning and programming

 ECOWEB is consistent with its framework which facilitated assistance for humanitarian and recovery of the affected families conducting consultations in peace programs and inclusive participation with respect to different community sectors to achieve resiliency.