RESILIENCE-Resilience Improvement and Capacity Enhancement

ECOWEB works for localizing response to global concerns about climate change and the increasing vulnerability of communities to both natural and human-made hazards. This program promotes Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR) and Integrated Risk Management (IRM) approaches in addressing disaster and climate risks and improving resiliency of vulnerable sectors and communities.

Improving local capacity for preparedness; response to, recovery and rehabilitation of the impact of disasters; mitigation of and adaptation to climate and disaster risks shall be aimed at in the capacity enhancement of partner communities and local groups and agencies. ECOWEB works for risk-informed local government land use and development planning to reduce climate and disaster risks and for enabling local systems and programs to improve resilience of vulnerable communities. Prevention and reduction of environmental disaster risks shall be aimed at through promoting community-based biodiversity, soil and water conservation, sustainable resource management technologies, and rational utilization of natural resources.