What we Do

ECOWEB works to address the effect of the four problems that beset most communities in the Philippines: environmental degradation and climate change, poverty, conflict and strained social relations, and poor governance. 

ECOWEB raises awareness, mobilize resources and communities to address the effect of the above problems through rights-based advocacies, capacity building, sustainable livelihoods and social enterprises. These responses are packaged into development projects that address both immediate needs and promotes long-term solutions to the problems. These projects address needs of individuals, families, communities and localities. 

ECOWEB’s advocacy work intends to provide support and create positive change and space that facilitate better opportunities for rights protection, safer environment, economic benefits and peaceful communities.

In the field of development, ECOWEB conducts trainings both face-to-face and online, hands-on activities in communities, participatory research, value chain analysis, establish social enterprises. In the field of humanitarian work, ECOWEB initiate relief operations, cash transfers, food for work, water and sanitation, and emergency livelihoods. ECOWEB also responds to epidemic and pandemic emergencies through humanitarian and developmental activities.


Sustained Advocacy for Localization and Inclusive Governance


Peace Action and Conflict Transformation


Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Enterprise


Resilience Improvement and Capacity Enhancement


Responses and Settings of Crisis and Emergencies