Testimonies, Video Documentaries

Beyond 2015: Regina “Nanette“ S. Antequisa (ECOWEB) on accountability and climate change
Regina “Nanette” S. Antequisa, Executive Director of ECOWEB (the Philippines, partner organisation of CIDSE member

Kolambugan: Rising from the Ashes
A 15-minute video documentary uploaded here in two parts. Watch here on how the Muslims

Fuerte de la Concepcion y del Triunfo or Fort of the [Immaculate] Conception and of the Triumph [of the Cross]
The present Kota of Ozamiz is officially called Fuerte de la Conception y del Triunfo

Fort Victoria, Mindanao Week of Peace Video Briefer
The earliest written record of Iligan (or Yligan) refers to the settlement situated at the