As women of Butig Lanao del Sur realized that their chance of influencing the policymakers and leaders in their community is a right, not a privilege, they started the women’s coalition in Butig named Rawaten o mga Bai sa Butig Coalition (RBBC). This coalition aims to sit in the local council in the local government of Butig for the representation of women. Their advocacies include health, legal rights, education, combatting gender-based violence, economic empowerment, and peacebuilding.

RBBC’s overall objective is to become a “partner of the community in the development and sustainable peace”. RBBC focuses on empowering women and internally displaced persons (IDPs) within the context of Islam which means safeguarding their rights through a sustainable livelihood and amplifying their voice for a lasting peace.
“Understanding our rights gives us the strength to act and to access what is right and what is ours. The coalition unlocks this power to each of us and makes us realize that we can do more-we can contribute to the betterment of our community," Ligaya Diamaoden, a coalition member said.

This is due to the most pressing challenges such as gender-based violence, internal displacement, and unemployment. In 2020, this scenario worsened by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic not only in terms of its implications on health but also with its impact on livelihoods, safety, and security.
Furthermore, the coalition invested on women’s leadership and entrepreneurial skills that will change the course of their future and that of their community’s. Through the years, women’s effort has manifested specially in the areas of strengthening peace and order; influencing good governance; and establishing a community free from any forms of violence.
Various workshops, planning, consultation, and participatory action led women to craft policies and programs that strengthen their coalition. Women’s capacity even heightened as they promulgated their constitution and by-laws which serve as the legal binding of the coalition including their representation among external affairs.
The municipal government of Butig, Lanao del Sur recognized the establishment of the coalition and has been actively supporting the efforts of women. Through various community extensions, the whole community of Butig slowly appreciates the coalition’s vital role in community development.

Women must meaningfully participate in decision-making at all levels and have the power to change the norms – of women as ‘babae ka lang,” Ligaya added.
Women have embarked an undertaking with much determination to put their best foot forward toward achieving a free and righteous community.
Coalition formation amongst community solidarity groups (CSGs) is an initiative of the Marawi Response Project (MRP) under its social cohesion- community sustainability component. MRP is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), implemented by the Plan International Philippines, and the ECOWEB.